Calls Grow for Bolsonaro's
Expulsion, or Persona Non
Grata Status
Or at least follow him around with
a camera crew whenever he goes out. |
Biden Signs Bill Banning
TikTok on All Government
President Xi's wry response, Back
to the drawing board. |
Report: Americans Sick
And Tired of Harry and
Meghan News
Feel it's crowding out news of the
Kardashians. |
Poll: 96% of Workers
Looking for New Job
Their boss's. |
Yellen Announces
U.S. Will Hit Its Debt Limit Thursday
Warns, Uncle Sam could be
living out of his car by June. |
Expert: 90% of Online
Content Could Be
Generated by AI by 2025
Sparing us from the tedious task of thinking. |
Microsoft AI Can Impersonate
Human Voice in 3 Seconds
It's designed for assholes who
just like to hear themselves talk. |
Ozone Hole to Close by 2066
At which point you can use
your hairspray again. |
Saturn's Moon
Enceladus Shrouded in Thick Layer
of Snow
Elon Musk predicts lift tickets will
be available by end of century. |
Report: Healthy Eating Can
Cut Risk of Early Death by 20%
But it costs a little more, so
you have to weigh the benefits
versus the drawbacks. |