In Midst of
Crisis, Trump Tweets Picture of
Himself Fiddling
Raises question: was Nero reelected? |
Study: Spending Less Time
On Facebook Leads to
Happier, Healthier Life
And more time for Instagram. |
Trump Sends Supporters
Signed Stock Market Chart
To Boast of 1-Day Surge
Which immediately sends stock futures tumbling. |
Dead Sea
Scrolls at The Museum of the Bible
Prove to Be Forgeries
Experts got suspicious when infrared light
revealed they were written on the back of
a Howard Johnson's placemat. |
NASA: Lettuce Grown in
Space Safe to Eat
But grated cheese an unholy mess. |
Astronomers Detect
Largest Explosion in Universe
Since Big Bang
Trump blames Obama. |
Survey: 75% of Adults Aren't
Friends With Any of Their Neighbors
Because three-fourths of them aren't friendly. |