Trump Spends
Week Meeting With Strongmen
Tells them his ratings dwarfed Schwarzenegger's. |
More Sponsors Flee O'Reilly Over
Sexual Harassment Charges
Only remaining sponsor: Ashley Madison. |
New York Times: Trump Wanted to Give
Fox Exclusive Inaugural Broadcast Rights
Offered State of the Union to Nickelodeon. |
Estimate: Legalized Marijuana Will Bring
in $1 Billion in Taxes to California
Making the entire state La La Land. |
Trump Proposes $120 Million to
Reopen Nevada's Yucca Mountain
Nuclear Waste Storage Site,
Promising Jobs
Most resulting from health, environmental
problems caused by reopening site. |
Scientific Community Fears
Administration's Anti-Science Bias
Points to naming of an alchemist to run U.S. Mint. |
Find Laughter Contagious, High-Five in
Believe humans only repeat what they've
heard, don't know what words mean. |
Singapore Scientists Teleport
Lemonade Over Internet
Next up: adding some gin. |
Egypt Finds
Another Pyramid
Built by Amenhotep IV as future tourist
attraction. |
Correlation Exists Between High Levels
of Vitamin D and Cardiovascular Deaths
Ask your lawyer if suing the doctor who told you
to take more Vitamin D is right for you. |