Naked Roller
Coaster Record Broken
Also broken: amusement
park attendance record. |
Study: Poor More Charitable
Than Rich
Explains why they're poor. |
Beautiful Women Discriminated
Against for Jobs as Construction
News greeted with hoots, whistles. |
Schism in Conservative Ranks
Anti-tax, anti-regulation, anti-union,
anti-big government wing splits from
anti-black, anti-Latino, anti-gay,
anti-Semite wing. |
New Website Sponsors Gambling
on Grades at 36 Colleges
Bet ten bucks you'll fail Advanced
Calculus, get back twenty when you do. |
order to get agreement on legislation to provide $26
billion in federal funds to prevent the firing of tens
of thousands of teachers, police and firefighters,
Congress took away $12 billion from which of the
following programs? |
A ) |
operations in Afghanistan and Iraq totaling $171
billion for the current fiscal year. |
B ) |
Loan guarantees and other
subsidies to the nuclear industry totalling $46.5 billion over
the next five years. |
C ) | Ethanol
Excise Tax Credits given to the major oil
companies for adding ethanol to their gasoline, $36.5 billion
over the next five years. |
D ) | The federal
food stamp program, providing food for 40.5 million poor
Americans (mostly children). |
Hint: Enrollment in this program is
expected to increase to 43.3 million in fiscal 2011. |