Interest in
Nude Resorts Growing
As clothing prices soar. |
Tiny Island of Vanuatu Ranked
Worlds Happiest Place
Disneyland, ranked tenth, says it will sue. |
Americans Still Talking About
World Cup
Many say they cant wait
until it starts. |
Fans Allowed to Manage Minor
League Team on Internet
In first game they call for 429
beanballs. |
Professor: U.S. Headed
Toward Bankruptcy
FBI: Professor headed toward Uzbekistan. |
Blogger Able
to Trade Paper Clip For
Now lacks device to
attach covering letter to
new mortgage. |
The U.S. Family Network, a grassroots
advocacy group which functioned as a shell
organization to launder money for Abramoff
clients seeking favors from Congress, was
officially seeking to promote: |
A ) | opportunities
for family members of
Congressional leaders to get on the payroll. |
B ) | a chance
to watch pro sports from
skyboxes for underprivileged Senators. |
C ) | golf
vacations in foreign countries for
Congressional Republicans. |
D ) | moral
fitness. |
Hint: there's no limit to the good a person
can do when that person is morally fit. |
Japanese Gadget Can Record,
Replicate Odors
For the flatulent man who has everything. |