Rumors Rampant
About Kellyanne Conway's New Look
Some call it “alternative face.” |
Elmer Fudd, Yosemite Sam
Won't Have Guns in New
Looney Tunes Cartoons
Porky Pig won't stutter, and Bugs Bunny won't
eat carrots or say, “What's up, doc?” |
Poll: Americans Unhappiest
In 50 Years
Back when America was great. |
Aunt Jemima to Change
Name, Image
And Log Cabin syrup comes out as gay. |
Carnival Cruise
Lines Selling Six of Its Ships
You'll need an appointment to take a
test drive, however. |
Study: There Could Be
“Dozens” of Intelligent
Civilizations in Our Galaxy
“Or none,” say cynics. |
Fears of Continent-Destroying |
Under Yellowstone Exaggerated
But, to be safe, don't get too close
to Old Faithful. |
Survey: Spontaneity Could
Be Key to Happiness
But for longevity not so much. |
U.S. Stuck With 63 Million
Doses of Hydroxychloroquine
One dose for every Trump voter in 2016. |
Johnson &
Johnson Debuts Racially Inclusive Band-Aids
Now, finally, blacks don't have to bleed
to death. |