Justice Dept.
Reverses Course, Recommends Shorter
Sentence for Roger Stone
Also suggests he be given Presidential
Medal of Freedom. |
Study: Revenge More Enjoyable to
Audiences Than Forgiveness
Far fewer would have gone to see The
Godfather had Don Corleone responded
with condolence cards. |
Federal Judge Approves
T-Mobile-Sprint Megamerger, Reducing
Number of Carriers
To Three
Most laid off Sprint, T-Mobile employees
will try to survive driving for Lyft and
Uber before they too merge. |
Forbes: New York Knicks
Most Valuable NBA Franchise
At $4.6 Billion
Apparently based on net worth of
celebrity season ticketholders,
not on godawful team. |
Astronomers Intrigued by
Regularly Repeated Signal From
500 Million Light Years Away
Many say it sounds just like an
old-fashioned busy signal. |
Samsung Introduces
New "Flip Phone"
Clever folding design came from idea a
Samsung executive got from his grandfather. |
Good News: Study Finds Eating
Walnuts Daily May Slow
Cognitive Decline in Elderly
Those who regularly ate walnuts
remained sharp and alert, while
control group ate no walnuts, wet
themselves and mumbled incoherently. |
Americans Now Averaging
Less Than 6 Hours of
Sleep Per Night
A troubled, fitful sleep fraught with
nightmares of extreme weather, extinction,
a brokered convention. |