Soylent Bars
Recalled After Customers Report
Getting Violently Ill
Company assures buyers freeze-dried
humans perfectly safe. |
More People Arrested for Pot
Than for Violent Crimes in 2015
As a result, numerous states poised to
legalize violent crime. |
Washington High School Football Team,
With Seven Players Over 245 Pounds,
Wins First Three Games by Combined
170 - 0, Rest of Schedule Now Forfeiting
And Seattle Seahawks keep ducking them. |
Trump Slams NFL's Softer
Rules on Concussions
Claims league purposely limiting pool of
brain-damaged voters. |
Opponents to an anti-smoking
initiative in California have raised $56 million. They
describe themselves as a coalition of taxpayers, law
enforcement, labor and small businesses. What portion
of those funds actually come from tobacco companies? |
A ) |
$.537 million |
B ) |
$5.37 million |
C ) |
$53.7 million |
Hint: the rest comes
from tobacco retailers and e-cigarette companies. |
Group Establishes
Asgardia, First Space Nation
Scientists, legal experts, visionaries see it as
great conversation starter with women
who would otherwise ignore them. |