Sarah Palin to
Be Judge in Courtroom Reality Series
She'll rule on contentious legal disputes,
mainly among her family members. |
Pete Rose
Endorses Donald Trump
Though he's betting on Hillary. |
Batman v Superman:
Dawn of Justice Gets Panned by Critics
They point out Superman could quickly crush The Caped
Crusader with his little finger, or melt him with his x-ray
vision, or hurl him into another galaxy with his super
strength, since he's just a rich guy with a nice car. |
Legal Pot Sales
Expected to Top $23 Billion in 2020
Snoop Dogg expected to top Forbes 400 in 2021. |
Homo Sapiens' Sex With
Extinct Species Was No
One-Night Stand
New DNA evidence, NSFW cave paintings
suggest it was at least a four-night stand. |
Silicon Valley Billionaires
Plan Base on Moon by 2026
To house those priced out of Silicon Valley. |
Researchers Uncover
Evidence Shakespeare's Skull May Be Missing From
His Grave
Fear it's been used as a prop in some local
production of Hamlet. |
Study: Exercise Prevents Dementia
Try to remember to exercise. |
Report: NFL's Flawed
Concussion Research Done
By Tobacco Industry Group
Same people who found absolutely no link
between smoking and lung cancer found
absolutely no link between football
concussions and CTE. |