Florida Cops to Stop Using
Mugshots of Black Men as Targets
Will switch to other minorities. |
L.A. Football Fans Excited as
St. Louis Rams Owner Plans
To Build Stadium There
Tickets to see architect's drawing go on
sale early next year. |
NFL Investigation
Confirms Patriots Were Using Underinflated Footballs in
AFC Title Win
And moving the goalposts. |
1 in 4 Americans Believe God
Will Decide Super Bowl
He decided two months ago and is
just waiting to see the spread. |
In 2014, TSA seized 6 weapons per day
in carry-on bags, 83% of them loaded. This was
because: |
A ) | There were a
lot of Federal Air Marshal wannabes. |
B ) | Passengers
are more prepared than ever to deal with attempts to put
devices on their seats to prevent them from reclining. |
C ) | Some folks
are just ornery. |
Hint: Not you. Some other folks. |
Based Sex Spray for
Women Goes on Sale in Colorado
Within seconds of applying women
feel an overwhelming craving for sex,
or Sara Lee chocolate cake. |