Revealed: New York's Cardinal
O'Connor's Mother Was Jewish
His remains will be moved to a different
cemetery and a sandwich will be named
for him at the Carnegie Deli. |
Dunkin’ Donuts Will Expand in California
Californians will also expand. |
Supreme Court: POM Can Sue Coca-Cola
for Selling Pomegranate Juice With
Practically No Pomegranate In It
Also, drug dealers can sue Coca-Cola
for selling Coke with no cocaine in it. |
Heinz to Supply Ford With Tomato
Fiber Pellets to Replace Metal,
Plastic in Cars
Reduces overall weight, and goes
great with fries on hot days. |
Theory: Man's Face Evolved to Better
Absorb Punches
We were getting beaten up so much
by Neanderthals we had to do something. |
Evidence Found of Vast Underground
Ocean 3 Times Larger Than Those
on Surface
Enough water to dump our trash in for
another 200 years. |
Dentist Wants to Clone John Lennon From
His Tooth
Once cloned, he'd like to fix the
rest of Lennon's teeth. |
Cellphones Ringing in Pants Pockets
Could Be Contributing to Male Infertility
That's your wife calling with the test results. |
Poll: 36% See Themselves as
Overweight, 69% Actually Are
O would some power the giftie
gie us to see ourselves as others
see us, says pollster. |