Your iPhone Can Now Wake You Up
to the Smell of Bacon
Available soon in coffee, roses,
parmesan cheese. |
Study: Half of U.S. Adults Use
Phones for Sexting
Shouldn't you? |
Indoor Pot Growing Accounts for 9%
of California's Household Electricity Use
Other 91% divided up amongst cable,
hot tubs, tanning beds. |
Report: 4000 Laborers Could Die Building
2022 Qatar World Cup Facilities
But work will be done on time and under budget. |
Study: Titanium Alloy
Golf Clubs Could Ignite Fires if They Strike Rock
So they're safe, except when you use one. |
Why is the NSA confident
European leaders will support Obama despite the
phone hacking scandal, in which the NSA was caught
spying on private conversations of European leaders? |
A ) | Come on, everybody does it. |
B ) | Forgive, forget, move on. |
C ) | NSA says they’ve been hearing
good things on the leaders’ cell phones. |
Hint: the unexamined life is not worth living. |
Robot Solves
Rubik's Cube in 3.25 Seconds,
Faster Than Any Human
Fastest human, after witnessing feat,
smashes robot into million pieces in just
1.03 seconds. |