Final Nixon
Tapes Released
Took 20 years to delete all expletives. |
Study: Poverty Lowers Intelligence
Suggested remedy: play the lottery. |
Study: Left-Handed People
Better at Multitasking
Right-handed people better at masturbating. |
New Predictive App Tells You
What You Want to Know Before
You Know It
Buys things you want before you know you bought them. |
Report: 30% of Americans
Knowingly Open Spam Emails
Contributing $2 billion a year to the Nigerian economy. |
Samsung Unveils Smartwatch
Predicts it will revolutionize sexting. |
A Self-Parking
Car That Folds Up!
Just make sure you exit this thing before it parks
itself and turns into a glorified trunk. And don't
leave a cake on the back seat. $16,545, from
El Foldo Imports. |
Survey: 42% of Harvard's
Incoming Freshman Class
Cheated on Homework
Fortunately, their fathers went there. |
After 24 Years, San
Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge Span Reopens
Those who over the years had become accustomed to
taking rapid transit, biking or walking, jumped right
back into their cars. |