Man Who Hasn't Cut
Hair in 31 Years Enters
Guinness Record Book
Wife, who hasn't stopped
drinking Guinness for 31
years, also enters record book. |
Berkeley Will Vote on
Initiative to
Legalize Prostitution in November
In home of Free Speech Movement, speech
will still be free, but sex will cost
you. |
Carl Lewis, Jackie
Joyner-Kersee to Be Featured on Wheaties
This year's U.S. Olympic squad to be
featured on jars of Andro. |
NBA: All Players Traded
Moves should help every team. |
Athens: Olympics Preparations
Experiencing Long Delays
Acropolis is 2500 years behind
schedule. |
Summer Holiday Ideas
The Virtual Vacation - an exciting online
computer experience the whole family will
enjoy, and you don't have to take the car
out of the garage! |
Walking Tour of Your Neighborhood - so
many unexplored treasures are right around
the corner, and you never knew! This is the
summer to find out about them - just unplug
your phone and no one will know you're still
at home! |
Hop-a-Freight-Train Hobo Nostalgia
Holiday - adventure and excitement abound
for the young, and young at heart! Don't
forget to bring a guitar, and a baseball bat for
unwanted encounters! |
More Women Wearing
Edible Dresses
More men eating cucumbers
and orange slices. |