McDonald's Offers Reduced-Carb Big
Mac Without Cheese, Buns, Special
Sauce, Onions
Or Non-Carb Big Mac without cheese, buns,
special sauce, onions, meat patties, pickles
or lettuce. |
Oops! Cubs Fans Destroy
Wrong Baseball
Mistakenly explode ball from last World
Series title, in 1908. |
College Football: Big Ten
To Use Instant Replay
Players will be allowed to retake courses
they failed. |
World Bully
Championships Held In
Winners in the
Heavyweight Pairs
division show off their
bullying skills. |
Governor Arnold
Schwarzenegger has called
for a Constitutional
Amendment which would
make foreign-born
immigrants: |
A ) | Eligible for education |
B ) | Eligible for drivers
licenses |
C ) | Eligible for health care |
D ) | Eligible to be president |
Breaking the ice
at his meeting in Haiti
with members of the
opposition, Colin Powell
got the biggest laughs
with which of the
following jokes? |
A ) | I
just flew in from D.C.,
and boy are my arms
tired! |
B ) | I've
been in love with the
same woman for 40 years.
If my wife finds out,
she'll kill me. |
C ) | We
cannot support a
government which comes to
power through violence. |