Kafka Statue
Completed In
However, legal
complications may delay
installation for
indefinite period of
time. |
Auto Makers Agree to Alter
SUV Design For Safety
Will begin making them twice as big. |
Sports Benefiting From
Upswing in Economy
Olympic organizers report a 20% increase
in bribes received. |
Man Sues to
Participate in Lingerie
Says he easily
outplayed everyone
at the tryouts. |
My elves
tell me that the Supreme
Court has agreed to take up the
issue of the words "under
God" in the Pledge of
Allegiance recited in our public
schools. As an imaginary being, I
feel uniquely qualified to
comment. First, let me say that I
have the greatest respect for all
other imaginary beings. We are
all dependent upon the faith of
our followers for our very
existence. But when it comes to
children, don't forget who has
the list and who is checking it
twice. If you want to remind the
little dears to be nice instead
of naughty (which is the whole
point of religion, is it not?),
the Pledge should read: one
nation, under Santa Claus,
indivisible, with Liberty and Justice
for all. Thank you!