Mr. Potato
Head Turns 50
Plans to celebrate at his
Crawford, Texas ranch. |
Pamela Anderson to Become a
Stripper After Retiring From Acting
Looking forward to career with more
dignity. |
California Court Overturns
State's "Three Strikes"
Sending Winona Ryder to jail for 25 years
considered cruel and unusual punishment. |
House Committee Subpoenas
Shredco's Records of Enron Contract
Unfortunately, records have been
shredded. |
Launches Pizza Satellite
Pizzas baked by heat of
re-entry, arrive in
thirty seconds or less. |
Fox Under Attack
From Conservative Groups
A letter to the FCC, signed by Focus
on the Family, National
Association of
Evangelicals, Morality in
Media, Christian
Coalition, Family
Research Council,
Citizens for Community
Values, Religious Freedom
Coalition, American
Family Association,
American Decency
Association, Wilberforce
Forum, American
Association of Christian
Schools, American Values,
Culture and Family
Institute, Southern
Baptist Ethics and
Religious Liberty
Commission, Concerned
Women for America, and
Old Biddies With Brooms
Up Their Asses, protests
excessive sexual content in
Fox's primetime programming. |
Moore's Law,
Law to Merge
New law: "Anything that can go wrong
will go twice as wrong in 18
months." |