Colorful promoter denies
rumors. |
Hillary Adjusting Well to Senate
She's already got a closetful of ashtrays
and spittoons. |
Soaring Gas Prices Boost Virtual
Vacations, Say Travel Agents
Imagine the Grand Canyon most
popular; next is Yosemite: Wish We
Were Here. |
Last Proofreader Fired
No longer needed with spell check pogroms.
Fire in the
Sky Marks the Beginning
of the End
CNN hopes that extended live coverage
will give boost to ratings. |
ART REVIEW by Mr. Art |
Allen and Rossi Collection,
Bellagio Hotel, Las Vegas |
I was skeptical about going
to Las Vegas to attend the
opening of a major art exhibit,
but in this case I was drawn by
the sheer magnitude of the
collection being diplayed: some
80 modern and
post-modern masterpieces from the
private collection of comedy duo
Allen and Rossi, more
specifically Marty Allen and
Steve Rossi. |
Picasso, Mondrian, Dali,
Kandinsky all are represented
here, and with Mr. Allen as our
docent, the collection comes
magnificently into focus.
To quote from his walking
tour: Here's another
crazy one from Picasso. I
think it's a lady, but her
nose is where her foot should be
and one eye is here and the other
one's way over there hello
dere! Who knows what
Picasso was thinking or
drinking! |
One shortcoming of the
exhibit (it travels to the Louvre
in July), besides the constant
hum of slot machines in the
background, is the fact that Mr.
Rossi could not attend. He
was opening for Johnny Mathis at
the Tropicana in Atlantic City. |